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TOOL SQL Monitor ( 쿼리 캡쳐 툴)

2011.08.02 15:02

휘휘 조회 수:165135


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프로그램 개발시 쿼리 뽑아낼때 유용.

SQL Monitor is a utility that monitors Oracle, MySQL, and DB2 Client DLL calls, allowing you to capture all SQL calls a program sends to the database via the client DLLs. 

Major features of SQL Monitor include:
  • Supports Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Supports Oracle clients version 7.3 thru 10
  • Displays SQL statements that come from processes in real-time, eliminating the necessity to turn on tracing and look into poorly formatted trace file
  • Allows monitoring NT services
  • Displays logon attempts, both successful and unsuccessful (username, password, TNS alias, success)
  • Performs syntax highlighting
  • Displays values of bind variables for SQL statements
  • Shows even statements that fail to execute. Displays Oracle error code and message for those statements.
  • Allows you to copy and paste statements from the output to one of your SQL analyzing tools (Toad, SQL Navigator, or even SQL*Plus)
  • Monitors applications like Import/Export, SQL*Loader, Server Manager (svrmgrl.exe), as well as applications written with Oracle Forms or Pro*C